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Alicia, sus exageraciones - Cecilia Galindez and Eva Bisceglia - Illustrations Camila Mack
Alicia, sus exageraciones - Cecilia Galindez and Eva Bisceglia - Illustrations Camila Mack
Alicia is a very exaggerated girl, like anyone else (who doesn't usually exaggerate a little, right?).

Aves Argentinas (Argentine birds). Card Game in SPANISH
Aves Argentinas (Argentine birds). Card Game in SPANISH
Aves Argentinas (Argentine Birds) Card Game is a selection of 60 cards of species of birds from all over the country.

Beyond - Photo essay by Moon Lake Language
Beyond - Photo essay by Moon Lake Language
Photo essay by Moon Lake Language that brings together a selection of analog photographs.

Dobles - Graphic novel by Diego Agrimbau and Fernando Baldo
Dobles - Graphic novel by Diego Agrimbau and Fernando Baldo
If you would find yourself with a copy just like you in everything, what would you do differently?

El pájaro detrás del pájaro - Melina Alzogaray
El pájaro detrás del pájaro - Melina Alzogaray
A series of chronicles written and illustrated by Melina Alzogaray reflecting on her trip through Thailand, Myanmar and Turkey in this beautifully printed book published by Fruto de Dragon, Argentina.

El texto encuentra un cuerpo by Margo Glantz - In Spanish
El texto encuentra un cuerpo by Margo Glantz - In Spanish
A writer's library opens before our eyes to fascinate us. "My view is broken in the fragment", says Margo Glantz.

En lo más implacable de la noche - Idea Vilariño
En lo más implacable de la noche - Idea Vilariño
Vilariño's poetry rather than talking about loneliness and abandonment, breathes them, touches them in each line.

Fish Soup - Margarita García Robayo
Fish Soup - Margarita García Robayo
García Robayo’s signature style blends cynicism and beauty with an undercurrent of dark humour.

Hojarascas - Susy Shock
Hojarascas - Susy Shock
A moving text, an urgent and necessary poetic manifesto by trans activist Susy Shock.

Hola Roma by Liniers
Hola Roma by Liniers
A a godfather's welcome comic/letter to her goddaughter.

Igual que un cuerpo y otros relatos autobiograficos
Igual que un cuerpo y otros relatos autobiograficos
A beautiful anthology of short autobiographical stories in Spanish curated by Cecilia Szperling.

La Lengua Universal - Juan Cruz Revello
La Lengua Universal - Juan Cruz Revello
Stories of Rolling Stones's fans around the world by Juan Cruz Revello

La Tundra Magazine - Printed Edition
La Tundra Magazine - Printed Edition
La Tundra Magazine PRINTED Copy - Language: Spanish / Size A5. 68 pages each magazine / Uncoated paper
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La condesa sangrienta - Alejandra Pizarnik - Santiago Caruso
La condesa sangrienta - Alejandra Pizarnik - Santiago Caruso
One of Alejandra Pizarnik's key compositions that Santiago Caruso's prints recreate with admirable mastery.

La máquina de proyectar sueños - Cecilia Szperling
La máquina de proyectar sueños - Cecilia Szperling
A fable that seems translated from her Polish ancestors and that has something of the dreaminess and wakefulness...
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La vida por delante - Magali Etchebarne
La vida por delante - Magali Etchebarne
Magalí Etchebarne's stories, full of mastery, intelligence and humour, delve into the lives of characters in constant battle with the cruelty of intimacy.

Las desmayadas - Cecilia Szperling
Las desmayadas - Cecilia Szperling
A teenager trains in the art of fainting. Her father has just passed away and she is going through.

Lineage of Rain - Janel Pineda
Lineage of Rain - Janel Pineda
Lineage of Rain traces histories of Salvadoran migration and the US-sponsored civil war to reimagine trauma.

Los guardianes del amor - Adelaida Monguillot
Los guardianes del amor - Adelaida Monguillot
Un relato mágico donde ficción, mitología y realidad se cruzan para dar lugar a un romanticismo inteligente protegido por los dioses.

Los que escuchan - Diego Sanchez Aguilar
Los que escuchan - Diego Sanchez Aguilar
The closing ceremony of the Summit of the Future has an unexpected ending that places the G7 presidents in an uncomfortable position.

Maravilladoras / Wonder-makers
Maravilladoras / Wonder-makers
Bilingual Poetry Anthology (English/ Spanish)

Mayimbo (Paseos) - Angela Nzambi
Mayimbo (Paseos) - Angela Nzambi
Ángela Nzambi invites us to share her “walks” and “ramblings,” and to listen to her claims.

Mientras es cuando - Lourdes Landeira
Mientras es cuando - Lourdes Landeira
Lourdes Landeira has an elliptical and demanding poetic prose that takes us out into the open space.

Mini Mamarracho by Liniers
Mini Mamarracho by Liniers
An activities book for children in Spanish full of ideas where everything is possible.

Mundana - Norita Musicardi
Mundana - Norita Musicardi
Musicardi's is a mysterious but forceful voice, a faceless woman with heart and a lot of guts.
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No nacemos machos
No nacemos machos
Five essays to rethink being a man in patriarchy.
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Taller de escritura con Fernanda Garcia Lao - Miniaturas envenenadas
Taller de escritura con Fernanda Garcia Lao - Miniaturas envenenadas
Lejos de la micro ficción tradicional y cerca de la experimentación, trabajaremos lo breve anclado en formas inesperadas.

Tarot & Poetry in SPANISH - Santos Locos
Tarot & Poetry in SPANISH - Santos Locos
Includes 22 Major Arcana Tarot + 22 Inspired Poems in SPANISH

Tarot & Poetry in SPANISH by Femimutancia
Tarot & Poetry in SPANISH by Femimutancia
Includes 22 Major Arcana Tarot + 22 Inspired Poems in SPANISH by Femimutancia

Teoria del Tacto - Fernanda Garcia Lao
Teoria del Tacto - Fernanda Garcia Lao
In these short stories by Fernanda García Lao, the wound that runs through the stories is desire taken to the extreme.

Terapia con animales - Daniela Ema Aguinsky
Terapia con animales - Daniela Ema Aguinsky
Daniela Ema Aguinsky's poetry merges the everyday with the transcendent.

The House of the Spirits: Isabel Allende
The House of the Spirits: Isabel Allende
A magnificent epic of a proud and passionate family, secret loves and violent revolution.
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Tres maneras de decir adios by Clara Obligado
Tres maneras de decir adios by Clara Obligado
Clara Obligado brings us closer to three women and their profound losses, to the different spaces and times in which they lived.

Un Nuevo Sol: British Latinx Writers
Un Nuevo Sol: British Latinx Writers
The first major anthology of UK-based writers of Latin American heritage, a vibrant, new vanguard in British literature.

Victoria Ocampo - Virginia Woolf - Correspondencia
Victoria Ocampo - Virginia Woolf - Correspondencia
Collected for the first time in this book, these letters show us a glimpse of how these two writers imagine each other

WAWASPAQ - Quichua visual encyclopedia for children
WAWASPAQ - Quichua visual encyclopedia for children
Did you know that QUECHUA has more than 30 dialect variants?

Workshop de Teatro: El Método con Hernán Cáceres
Workshop de Teatro: El Método con Hernán Cáceres
Taller de Teatro con Hernán Cáceres. Dirigido a artistas que quieran experimentar con la actuación en español.

Zomba. Enlazadora de mundos - Melocoton and El Planeta Ludo
Zomba. Enlazadora de mundos - Melocoton and El Planeta Ludo
How do children talk about death and begin to grieve?
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Biyaare (Estrellas) - Angela Nzambi
Biyaare (Estrellas) - Angela Nzambi
Ángela Nzambi has turned Black African Hispanism into a space where, as a writer and critical observer.

Cayetano - Comic by Luciano Saracino and Nicolás Brondo
Cayetano - Comic by Luciano Saracino and Nicolás Brondo
Without pride considered Argentine's first serial killer, this comic explores the life of Cayetano 'el petiso orejudo'.

Cómo falsificar una sombra - Matías Serra Bradford
Cómo falsificar una sombra - Matías Serra Bradford
20 obituaries of writers and artists, written shortly after their deaths, like hasty tributes or freehand epitaphs.
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Debates picantes de los feminismos populares
Debates picantes de los feminismos populares
An invitation to encourage ourselves to discover the best of feminisms around the globe.

El lado áspero de la ternura - Morena Ponce
El lado áspero de la ternura - Morena Ponce
Morena writes between love and heartbreak, quick and deep images crossed by the fear of absence and loneliness.

Havana Year Zero - Karla Suárez
Havana Year Zero - Karla Suárez
For Julia, a mathematics lecturer who hates teaching, Havana is at Year Zero: the lowest possible point, going nowhere.

La ventana inolvidable - Menchu Gutiérrez
La ventana inolvidable - Menchu Gutiérrez
The window as a threshold through which everything outside reaches us and at the same time we open ourselves to the world.

Las niñas del naranjel by Gabriela Cabezon Cámara
Las niñas del naranjel by Gabriela Cabezon Cámara
Winner of the fifth edition of the Medifé Filba Foundation Award (Nov/2024)

Lo que vendrá. Una antología. Josefina Ludmer
Lo que vendrá. Una antología. Josefina Ludmer
Critical interventions by Josefina Ludmer dedicated to the study of Latin American literature.

No soñarás flores - Fernanda Trías
No soñarás flores - Fernanda Trías
The characters in these eight stories, mostly women, are about to sink. Their illusions are broken, they have no escape.

Tango Zen by Chan Park / Walking Dance Meditation
Tango Zen by Chan Park / Walking Dance Meditation
Tango dancers and non-dancers alike to meditate and experience the Zen movement while dancing Tango.

The Dust Never Settles - Karina Lickorish Quinn
The Dust Never Settles - Karina Lickorish Quinn
A love letter to Peru and to magic realism.

Todavía hay fuga - Lola Halfon
Todavía hay fuga - Lola Halfon
A place where everyday and evocative poems emerge, surrounded by dazzling and profuse lyricism.

Todxs somos indixs - El Cometa Ludo
Todxs somos indixs - El Cometa Ludo
Illustrated story. Since the beginning of time we learned to share this earth with all other living beings...
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Violeta Walks on Foreign Lands / Violeta anda en tierras extrañas
Violeta Walks on Foreign Lands / Violeta anda en tierras extrañas
A bilingual anthology to celebrate 100 years of Chilean folk singer-songwriter Violeta Parra’s life and work.

Vo(i)ces – Bilingual Anthology by Various Authors
Vo(i)ces – Bilingual Anthology by Various Authors
Bilingual poetry anthology SPANISH/ENGLISH

femiñetas - Feminist illustrated newspaper in Spanish
femiñetas - Feminist illustrated newspaper in Spanish
femiñetas is a collective and self-managed feminist and illustrated newspaper. It is a newspaper colour printed and vignettes.