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WAWASPAQ - Quichua visual encyclopedia​ for children

Did you know that QUECHUA has more than 30 dialect variants?
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Enciclopedia visual quechua

Publisher Hora Mágica (Argentina)

Did you know that QUECHUA has more than 30 dialect variants? Yes, it is a linguistic family that extends throughout the Andes mountains. Currently, there are more than 10 million speakers only in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia and Peru.

QUICHUA is one of its variants and is one of the original languages. In Argentina, it is estimated that there are 160,000 Quechua speakers. And like any language, Quichua migrates with its speakers and transcends borders.

Wawaspaq means "for childhoods", since it is a project aimed mainly at boys and girls; but the invitation is extended to families and all those who want to connect with the Quichua and its worldview.

Authors: Romina Churquina and Cecilia Suárez

Illustrations: Bellina Ilustra

Edited by Belén González Estévez

Dimensions: 23 x 17 cm, illustration paper, color

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