Contra los hijos - Lina Meruane
Contra los hijos by Lina Meruane
Unruly, irreverent, and full of humor, Contra los hijos (Against the Kids) questions the cultural speech that promotes the superiority of kids and one that has taken them to occupy an authoritative place in the 21st century. Revised and expanded from its first publication in 2014, this essay is a provocative warning against the return of a conservative model that aims to return women to domestic confinement.
In this critique, Lina Meruane examines the return of an evil “angel” who, protected by ecological rhetoric, is calling for a longer breastfeeding time by mothers, a more intensive upbringing, and an infinite list of advices which only takes us back in time. From her controversial analysis on one of the most influential and worst-discussed issues of our time, observations arise about the status of contemporary couples, employment discrimination of women, and the current educational systems.
Literatura Random House
4th reimpresión (2022)
Printed in Spain