La ventana inolvidable - Menchu Gutiérrez
La ventana inolvidable by Menchu Gutiérrez
Publisher: Galaxia Gutenberg (2022)
Menchu Gutiérrez reflects on the great themes of our lives through a wonderful metaphor: the window as a threshold through which everything outside reaches us and at the same time we open ourselves to the world. The window of our childhood room, the one through which we looked out on summer mornings full of promises, the window at school. But also the computer screen, the airplane window, the convent gate, the mirror. There is always a window through which we can see, breathe, hear. With a deeply lyrical and evocative language, the author tells us the multiple stories, individual and collective, that the windows carry attached to them. And she invites us to read in the closed windows, to extract messages from the half-open windows or from a window illuminated at night.
Menchu Gutiérrez is a Spanish writer and translator, author of an extensive body of work that includes books of fiction, poetry and essays. A translator of E.A. Poe, W. Faulkner, J. Austen, Joseph Brodsky and W.H. Auden, among other authors, she has collaborated with the cultural supplements of El País and ABC, among other newspapers, and in various magazines and literary supplements.