La Tundra Bookshop

Friend of the London Spanish Book and Zine Fair

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Friend of the London Spanish Book and Zine Fair
Product Details

Become a Festival Friend

We are glad to see you here! With your donation you support the continuity of the London Spanish Book & Zine Fair.

As a small festival we rely in donations like yours to keep going. We are a non for profit organization.

All the proceeds go to the next edition of the London Spanish Book & Zine Fair.

Hoping you will enjoy the programe of this year.

About the London Spanish Book & Zine Fair

  • In its fifth edition (2023) London Spanish Book & Zine Fair, the book and zine fair is the first fair of its kind in the United Kingdom showcasing books and fanzines in Spanish. Since 2019 LSBF aims to generate a place for promotion and recognition of literature written in Spanish (bilingual/English) generating new links between authors, publishers and new audiences in the UK while at the same time serving as a meeting place of book enthusiasts.

If you would like to donate to London Spanish Book & Zine Fair UK's Bank account , please CONTACT for details.