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El sinsentido común - Borja Vilaseca

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An alternative vision to follow your own path in life by Borja Vilaseca.
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El sinsentido común - Borja Vilaseca
Product Details

El sinsentido común
Claves para cuestionar tu vieja mentalidad y cambiar tu actitud frente a la vida
Borja Vilaseca


An alternative vision to follow your own path in life. In a pleasant and simple way, Borja Vilaseca, journalist for El País and director of the Master in Personal Development and Leadership at the University of Barcelona , gives us the guidelines for this process of change aimed at overcoming the fears that prevent us from building a more full and meaningful life.

Our existence is built on a society that conditions us to think and behave in a certain way. This is the reason why most of us lead an individualistic and materialistic lifestyle, aimed at satisfying our own interest. However, work, consumption, image and entertainment fail to fill our inner emptiness. Hence, sooner or later we suffer an existential crisis, from which many of us stop deceiving ourselves, recognizing that our lives lack purpose and meaning. It is then when we feel the need for change and the motivation to know ourselves better. What is at stake is our freedom to discover who we truly are, directing our lives toward the common good. This is the essence of personal responsibility.

Publisher: Penguin Random House. De Bolsillo Clave

Revised and updated edition (2021)
Pages 250