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25 Rayos by Titihoon - Graphic Novel in Spanish

Illustrated diary in which artist Titihoon shares her path through 25 sessions of radiotherapy.
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25 Rayos
by Titihoon

Graphic Novel in SPANISH

This is an illustrated diary in which artist Titihoon shares her path through 25 sessions of radiotherapy. With love and grateful to all the people that cared her, the artist's intention is to share her experience with other persons that may pass the same situation.

25 Rayos is a graphic novel by Titihoon based on a log drawn and narrated in the first person where the future, events and effects of a human body exposed to 25 sessions of radiotherapy. The central theme “the supply of 25 rays in the body” structured into 4 subtopics: physical and emotional effects of the treatment, the support of family, friends, doctors, patients, staff and the personal descriptive review of the treatment.

The purpose of the novel is to share the daily life of a patient recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Capturing the experience of living with such a feared disease and promoting routine check-ups to prevent the disease.

Publisher: Estudio Mafia (2022)
Pages: 36
Limited Edition printed in Risograph.

ISBN 978 987 88 5480 9

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