Pido Gancho. Gender and New Masculinities Workshops for the PE class IN SPANISH
Pido Gancho. Gender and new masculinities in PE class
Authors: Juliana Garriga and Paula Surin
Design and illustrations: Eugenia Meli
Pido Gancho is a manual full of proposals and activities for the PE class to allow it to be a much more free place. The aim of this book is to include all identities because playing is an inalienable human right and nobody can be left out.
Historically, physical education (PE) was conceived to discipline bodies according to the socio-cultural models of the time: it ordered men to be strong and fit for war, to occupy the public space and to strengthen character. And it served women to prepare them exclusively for motherhood.
When we encourage ourselves to walk new paths challenging hegemonies, patriarchal discourses and restrictive concepts, we begin to transform realities, understanding and including differences and making day after day a world much fairer.
An invitation to open minds, to read and go out to play.
(From the prologue, by Mónica Santino, DT for soccer, part of the Nuestra Fútbol Feminista)
Publisher: Chirimbote (Argentina)