Biyaare (Estrellas) - Angela Nzambi
Biyaare (Estrellas)
Angela Nzambi
Genre: Short stories / Autobiographical / Black History
The presence of prominent black African characters in some stories (such as the Malian griots, Emperor Sundjata Keita, Professor Cheik Anta Diop, Nobel Prize winner Wole Soyinka, etc.) or the allusion to the involvement of the United Nations in the International Year of the Peoples of African Descent, the Blackness movement, the religious practice of Voodoo of the diaspora, etc., are testimonies of the experiences that Ángela Nzambi has had to live during her extensive formal training.
Ángela Nzambi is an Equatorial Guinean writer, feminist and human rights activist based in
Ángela Nzambi has turned Black African Hispanism into a space where, as a writer and critical observer of her surrounding reality, she describes the African woman of today (and tomorrow) who relives her double reality: the maternal-filial uterine, characterized by a unregulated initiation but with deep roots, and that lived in training centres imposed by European colonizers and taken over by African rulers.
Publisher Sial Pigmalion (2015) Casa de Africa.
Pages: 116 p
Weight: 200 g
ISBN 9788415746669