A heartwarming and uplifting Argentine comic drama about the importance of family, community and hope screens at JW3.
Dir. Walter Tejblum, Argentina 2019 – 85 minutes
Having exhausted all fundraising possibilities in his hometown of Buenos Aires, and with a heartless moneylender at his heels, exasperated Rabbi Aaron embarks on a trip to Taiwan, where, he is told, wealthy donors would be happy to financially support his community. Travelling around the country, taking in the sights and connecting with locals, Aaron is on a mission to save not only his synagogue and congregation, but also his marriage.
The comedy drama was filmed in Taiwan and received positive reviews.
With Freya Fox, Mercedes Funes and Santiago Korovsky.
The 26th UK Jewish Film Festival will take place in November 2022.
Shalom Taiwan at the Jewish Community Centre London
1st to 9th FEB 2022
Listen Desde la Tundra PODCAST (with subtitles in ENGLISH)